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Research Compliance Committee

The Research Compliance Committee assists the Research Integrity & Compliance Officer and the Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs in overseeing and monitoring the research compliance program of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute.


Research Compliance Committee Charter


The members of the Research Compliance Committee include:  

  • Research Integrity & Compliance Officer (Chair);

  • Director of Office of Sponsored Programs;

  • Scientist/researcher on the Institute’s faculty;

  • Director, Institute Administration;

  • Manager, Administration;

  • HPHC Legal Counsel;

  • HPHC’s Vice President and Controller;

  • HPHC’s SVP of Finance and Assistant Treasurer; and

  • Individuals with other expertise (i.e., human resources) that assist the Committee on specific matters.​



Paula Tebeau, Research Integrity and Compliance Officer

Office of Research Integrity and Compliance


Research Study Concerns?

  • If you have questions or concerns regarding the rights of a research participant, you may leave a message anonymously on the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care IRB Hotline: 800-807-6812.

  • To report suspected research misconduct at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, the contact is Paula Tebeau, Research Integrity & Compliance Officer,, or 617-867-4587.

Office of Sponsored Programs | Harvard Pilgrim Health Care 

401 Park Drive, Suite 401 East | Boston, MA 02215 | 617-867-4577

© 2021 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. All rights reserved.

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