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IRB Training Requirements

IRB Training Requirements

  • Human Research - IRB members

  • Responsible Conduct of Research - IRB members

  • Good Clinical Practice - IRB members

  • Visit our CITI Training Resources page for instructions on how to access required training.

Research Study Concerns?

  • If you have questions or concerns regarding the rights of a research participant, you may leave a message anonymously on the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care IRB Hotline: 800-807-6812.

  • To report suspected research misconduct at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, the contact is Paula Tebeau, Research Integrity & Compliance Officer,, or 617-867-4587.

Office of Sponsored Programs | Harvard Pilgrim Health Care 

401 Park Drive, Suite 401 East | Boston, MA 02215 | 617-867-4577

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